Sunday, May 19, 2024

تعرف على أسباب الضعف الجنسي وعلاجه

 تعرف على أسباب الضعف الجنسي وعلاجه

ضعف الانتصاب هو آفة للرجال. ومع ذلك، يشعر عدد لا بأس به من الرجال الذين يعانون من مشاكل في الانتصاب بالحرج ويترددون في استشارة الطبيب، على الرغم من إمكانية علاج ضعف الانتصاب إذا كان السبب معروفًا.

ضعف الانتصاب، المعروف أيضًا بالعجز الجنسي، هو عدم قدرة الرجل على تحقيق أو الحفاظ على الانتصاب الكافي لممارسة الجنس. هناك 3 علامات تدل على ضعف الانتصاب، وهي عدم القدرة على الانتصاب، والقدرة على الانتصاب ولكن لفترة قصيرة فقط، وقلة الرغبة الجنسية.

أشياء مختلفة يمكن أن تسبب ضعف الانتصاب

إن إثارة الإثارة الجنسية لدى الرجل حتى يحدث الانتصاب هي عملية ليست بسيطة. تشمل هذه العملية الدماغ والأعصاب والعضلات والأوعية الدموية والهرمونات والعواطف. عادة ما يحدث ضعف الانتصاب إذا كانت هذه الأمور تسبب مشاكل.

فيما يلي العديد من العوامل التي يمكن أن تسبب ضعف الانتصاب:

1. بعض الأمراض

في معظم الحالات، يحدث ضعف الانتصاب بسبب حالة طبية، مثل:

ضغط دم مرتفع

مرض قلبي

تصلب الشرايين



متلازمة الأيض

مرض بيروني

فشل كلوي

التليف الكبدي

داء ترسب الأصبغة الدموية

تصلب الجلد

مرض الانسداد الرئوي المزمن (COPD)

وبصرف النظر عن ذلك، فإن بعض الاختلالات الهرمونية يمكن أن تسبب أيضًا ضعف الانتصاب. تشمل هذه الحالات فرط نشاط الغدة الدرقية (زيادة هرمون الغدة الدرقية)، قصور الغدة الدرقية (نقص هرمون الغدة الدرقية)، فرط برولاكتين الدم (زيادة هرمون البرولاكتين)، وقصور الغدد التناسلية الذي يسبب نقص هرمون التستوستيرون.

2. المشاكل النفسية

يلعب الدماغ دورًا مهمًا في تحفيز الانتصاب. يبدأ الانتصاب بالإثارة الجنسية عندما يكون هناك تحفيز.

ومع ذلك، قد لا يكون للتحفيز الجنسي تأثير عندما يعاني الرجل من التوتر أو الاكتئاب أو القلق أو مشاكل نفسية أخرى، مثل متلازمة الأرمل التي تظهر عندما يفقد الرجل زوجته.

3. الآثار الجانبية للأدوية

على الرغم من قدرتها على علاج المرض، إلا أن بعض الأدوية تسبب آثارًا جانبية في شكل ضعف الانتصاب. من بين أمور أخرى هي:

مضاد للاكتئاب

مضادات نفسية

خافض للضغط

أدوية سرطان البروستاتا

أدوية خفض الكولسترول

وبصرف النظر عن ذلك، فإن تعاطي المخدرات غير المشروعة، مثل الكوكايين أو الماريجوانا، وإدمان الكحول عادة ما يجعل الشخص أكثر عرضة للإصابة بضعف الانتصاب.

4. الإصابة

إصابات العمود الفقري أو عظام الحوض أو القضيب، مثل كسر القضيب، والتي تسبب ضررًا للأعصاب أو الأوعية الدموية، معرضة لخطر التسبب في ضعف الانتصاب. يمكن أن تكون الإصابات إصابات كبيرة أو إصابات طفيفة ولكنها تحدث بشكل متكرر.

ومن الأمثلة على ذلك إصابة بسيطة في قاعدة القضيب نتيجة ركوب الدراجة لفترة طويلة.

5. الآثار الجانبية لبعض الإجراءات الطبية

واحدة من الإجراءات الطبية التي تحمل أكبر خطر للتسبب في ضعف الانتصاب هي جراحة البروستاتا والمثانة.

وبصرف النظر عن ذلك، فإن الإجراءات الطبية على الدماغ والعمود الفقري والحوض يمكن أن تشكل أيضًا نفس الخطر. ومن الأمثلة على ذلك العلاج الإشعاعي لسرطان القولون والاستئصال الجراحي للقولون.

6. خطوات التعامل مع ضعف الانتصاب

قد يؤدي ضعف الانتصاب لفترة طويلة إلى صعوبة إنجاب الأطفال وتعطيل العلاقات المتناغمة مع شركائهم. للتغلب على ذلك، إليك عدة طرق يمكنك القيام بها:

تغييرات نمط الحياة الصحي

إن تحسين نمط حياة صحي يمكن أن يتغلب على خطر ضعف الانتصاب ويقلل بشكل كبير. لذلك، عليك البدء في اتباع العادات الصحية التي تشمل ممارسة الرياضة بانتظام، وتناول الأطعمة المغذية، والتوقف عن التدخين وشرب المشروبات الكحولية.

استخدام المخدرات

يمكن أيضًا علاج ضعف الانتصاب بالأدوية التي يصفها الطبيب والتي تشمل:

تناول الأدوية التي تعمل على تحسين تدفق الدم إلى القضيب، مثل الفياجرا

حقن الدواء الذي يتم حقنه بشكل مستقل في قاعدة القضيب

تحميلة دواء يتم إدخالها في القضيب مباشرة

الأدوية الهرمونية، مثل هرمون التستوستيرون، لعلاج نقص الهرمونات

العلاج النفسي

إذا كان ضعف الانتصاب ناجمًا عن عوامل نفسية، على سبيل المثال بسبب التوتر أو الاكتئاب، فعادةً ما ينصحك طبيبك باستشارة طبيب نفسي. من المعروف أن العلاج النفسي المناسب قادر على التغلب على ضعف الانتصاب، حتى بدون مساعدة الدواء.

قد يحتاج الرجال المتزوجون أيضًا إلى استشارة زوجية من طبيب نفساني. ومن المهم الحصول على نصائح لتحسين التواصل والسلوك الجنسي، حتى لا يكون لضعف الانتصاب تأثير على الانسجام المنزلي.

إذا كان نمط الحياة الصحي والأدوية والعلاج النفسي لا يزال لا يؤدي إلى النتائج المرجوة، فقد يوصي الطبيب بإجراء عملية جراحية لعلاج ضعف الانتصاب.

إذا كنت تعاني من ضعف الانتصاب، فلا تتردد في استشارة الطبيب. تجنب البحث عن العلاجات العشبية أو البديلة التي ليست بالضرورة آمنة ويمكن أن تسبب ضررًا للقضيب.

Friday, July 14, 2017

Best selling male enhancement supplement

Best selling male enhancement supplement VigFX is a naturally derived male potency solution for sex-drive and erection enhancement. What we think is really cool is that it is actually a gel form of the VigRX Plus formulation that has been placed in a capsule having an extended release.

What this means is that the ingredients are released at a slower rate and can be used by your body even more productively than it could with VigRX Plus.


Best selling male enhancement supplement

Free 15-day trial
1 bottle of 30 all-natural liquid gel caps
VigRX with extended release
Maximum intensity

Is there a significant difference between VigFX and Best selling male enhancement supplement VigRX Plus?
Essentially, VigFX uses the same formula as VigRX but it has been improved for optimum absorption in order to get a greater amount of sexual enhancement results from the supplement. The capsules have an enteric coating that protects them from being dissolved by the stomach so that the formula can be delivered directly to the intestine where it can be fully absorbed. Even when other supplements may get a 10%-15% absorption rate, VigFX delivers a remarkable absorption rate at approximately 90%.

Simply speaking, this is the intense form of VigRX Plus that allows the consumer a lot more sex-drive and performance.

How is the enteric coating important?
A good number of male enhancement supplements provide no more than 20% of their ingredients to the intestinal tract because they lack this kind of coating. Everything else just breaks down in stomach acid. Enteric coating works as a protective layer that safeguards the ingredients from the extreme conditions of the gastrointestinal system. You attain the maximum libido and penis enhancement benefits of the 100% natural components, which translates into increased staying power along with even bigger, more significant erections.

How does Best selling male enhancement supplement VigFX differ from Viagra or Cialis?
Viagra and Cialis are erectile dysfunction pharmaceuticals that would be intended for men with advanced erectile problems. Generally, a prescription is needed to acquire them plus they will only work for a single time and do not offer any long-term advantages to your sexual health and performance. VigFX on the other hand, is founded on VigRX Plus – a popular all-natural supplement for males who desire the capability to have satisfying sex at any time they like. This formula can be taken as a daily supplement and will allow you to not only improve your sex life in the near term but results will continue to improve for as long as it is utilized.

Is a prescription needed for VigFX?
Because this is a dietary supplement, no prescription is needed. Now you can avoid that awkward doctor visit and pickup VigFX online without a doctor’s authorization.

How safe is VigFX?

When considering a supplement such as this you may want to consult your doctor especially if you have any pre-existing medical conditions or are using some type of medication. For men who are healthy and not taking prescription drugs, VigFX’s all-natural formulation has been shown to have no negative side-effects whatsoever.

Best selling male enhancement supplement VigFX is an organic health supplement produced at a cGMP certified factory in the United States. Nearly all men take advantage of VigFX without having any problems.
When can I see results?

The vast majority report improved sex-drive during the first 30 days. Increased stamina levels and control is typically realized in just 90 days. Do not forget that the effects are cumulative with this supplement – the longer it is used, the greater one’s results will be.

What about clinical trials or other proof of its effectiveness?

Best selling male enhancement supplement

There have been clinical tests conducted and the statistics reflect that VigFX can:

Boost sexual gratification by 71%
Improve the libido by 46%
Multiplies the capability to maintain an erection while having sex by 163%


Other benefits:
Increased blood flow to the penis
Obtain larger appearing erections
Better performance in the bedroom
Increased natural virility
Best selling male enhancement supplement

V-Tight Gel | Vagina Tightening Program | Natural Treatment to make Vagina Tighter

V-Tight Gel | Vagina Tightening Program

Firm & Tighten the Vagina Naturally Help Restore Suppleness Contract & Reshape the Vaginal Walls Restore Lubrication & Eliminate Dryness Feel Young & Rejuvenated

Vagina Tightening Program

V-Tight is an all-natural vaginal tightening gel and exercise program that can help women reverse the loss of elasticity from childbirth, hormonal changes, and aging. Be tighter than ever naturally, without surgery or drugs. V-Tight Gel's active ingredient, Manjakani Extract, has been used for centuries by women in Eastern Cultures to restore their vaginal tightness.

- Firm & Tighten the Vagina Naturally
- Contract & Reshape the Vaginal Walls
- Feel Young & Rejuvenated
- Help Restore Suppleness
- Restore Lubrication & Eliminate Dryness

Child Birth Recovery
V-Tight Gel | Vagina Tightening Program | Natural Treatment to make Vagina Tighter

One of the most common causes of vaginal loosening is due to giving birth. The more a woman gives birth, the more likely it is for her vagina to slacken because her vaginal walls get stretched out. There are many different factors that could lead to the slackening of the vaginal wall. You cannot always tell based on measurements alone, however there are some indicators and they include the following:

- The need to insert bigger objects into the vagina for stimulation and arousal
- Difficulty gripping your index finger using your vagina
- Your Vagina no longer tightens when turned on
- You can freely insert more than three fingers without much resistance
- Difficulty in achieving orgasm
- Failure to satisfy your partner any longer

Sensation in the vaginal canal is directly related to the amount of friction created by your lover. The V-Tight Program will help tighten your vagina back to its original state. There will be awesome amounts of friction when you make love, thus bringing back the spine-arching orgasms that you remember!


Verified Purchase
I've had 3 kids and this product worked for me. Its better for both of us and there's no funky taste.
13 out of 14 people found this review to be helpful

January 30, 2014
by Stephanie

Verified Purchase
It works and that's all that needs to be said :) I hope it will last as long as it says it does both the gel and the results :)
12 out of 14 people found this review to be helpful

 Pleasantly Surprised...:)
March 3, 2014
by Cylinda

Verified Purchase
Very happy I got this one. At my age, I feel like a virgin again haha. Very easy to use and small enough to keep it in my purse (just in case). So glad I stumbled on this product. Thank you. A+++++
13 out of 17 people found this review to be helpful

 Excellent, excellent!,
January 11, 2014
by Yvonne

Verified Purchase
It really really really really really works. Product does everything that it says it does it was wonderful! I have purchased it again already!!!!!!! Awesome
9 out of 11 people found this review to be helpful

Results are not typical. Results may vary.

V-Tight Gel | Vagina Tightening Program | Natural Treatment to make Vagina Tighter

More Enjoyable Sex
When you tighten your vaginal walls, your orgasms can be exponentially stronger, more intense, and far more satisfying. Not only will you have stronger orgasms, but you will have more of them!

If you're one of the millions of women suffering from a lackluster sex life, then tightening your vaginal walls is a sure-fire way to bring the pleasure back to unimaginable, almost heavenly levels.

Don't let bad sex end your relationship. Tightening your vagina will not only make you more orgasmic, but the control you will develop over your vaginal muscles will have your man's eyes rolling in the back of his head each and every time you make love.


Unlike anything else on the market, V­Tight Gel's active ingredient, Manjakani Extract is one of the most powerful astringent herbs known to man.

Its incredible astringency allows it to aid in a lot of vaginal disorders and adverse conditions including tightening the vagina, restoring vaginal elasticity, healing vaginal tissue, improving women’s vitality, reducing excessive vaginal discharge, retarding and reversing vaginal atrophy and preventing and healing genital prolapse. It’s natural astringent property restores health, tone and vigor to the vagina which will result in better and more enjoyable sex as well as an increase in sexual sensations and pleasure for both the woman and her partner. the firming and tightening the muscles of the vaginal wall, improving both muscle tone and elasticity while also reducing that annoying vaginal discharge that causes bad odor.

The star of V­Tight Gel's formula is truly a super­ powerful wonder herb and could help to:

- Effectively Tighten the Vagina
- Healing Vaginal Tissue
- Reducing excessive Vaginal Discharge
- Restore Vaginal Elasticity

Feel confident about having sex again with a tighter, more enjoyable, and even cleaner vaginal area. And best of all, Manjakani Extract:

 Won't irritate your skin
 Spreads easily with no mess
 Is Completely Safe to use with Condoms
 Does not contain harmful ingredients or additives

Let Manjakani Extract start working for you, and in a matter of minutes, you could feel your vaginal walls start to tighten, reducing years of wear and instilling reborn confidence back into your sex life.


Monday, December 19, 2016

How to Choose a Real Male Enhancement Pill free trial

Explanations behind Choosing a Male Enhancement Pill free trial

Utilizing a male improvement pill is not generally an issue of expanding penis estimate but rather of expanding your sexual wellbeing. Men have no issue heading off to the rec center to work out or having a running regimen to keep their heart sound, so why not keep another vital piece of your self-regard solid by utilizing male upgrade pills? The advantages don't exclusively have a place with the man, however really are expected to profit their accomplice also.


What takes after is which of all the accessible items would it be advisable for you to attempt and what is the criteria to be utilized to decide the best item? We can take a gander at a prominent and safe items VigRX– and see what it offers and how it can help men increment their sexual wellbeing. The producer of Vig Rx offers men another item free male upgrade pills with delivery Vig Fx .

Significant Advantages of Using a Male Enhancement Pill
One zone of sex numerous men experience difficulty with is keeping up an erection. This is one of the key variables VigFX has accomplished high appraisals on in light of the fact that the more drawn out a man can keep up an erection, the more noteworthy fulfillment he can give to his accomplice. While the particular fixings that manage the more drawn out erection differ from producer to maker, what by far most of men are occupied with are the outcomes. VigFX free male improvement has a recipe that is protected and powerful.
Obviously, to keep up an erection you need one that is firm and ready to infiltrate your accomplice. This is especially valid for some men who are more established, as their dissemination backs off or diminishes as the maturing procedure kicks in, or as a result of an endless malady. Numerous male upgrade items don't say this vital part of what a male improvement item should do, yet for some men it is a basic prerequisite before speculation about attempting a free specimen or trial. VigFX has appeared to be exceptionally successful around there of male improvement.

For some men, the chance to engage in sexual relations is firmly associated with the time span they can consistently have intercourse. An issue frequently experienced is not the absence of yearning but rather the capacity to keep on having a reliable craving after the main climax. A quality free male improvement pills, for example, VigFX will address this need. Best men don't have the way of life that permits them to engage in sexual relations consistently because of work limitations or inaccessibility of their accomplice. To put in straightforward terms – life happens. So when the time comes it is basic for the man to benefit as much as possible from the chance to boost their own and their accomplice's pleasure.


The general measure of a man's close to home perspective of his sexual execution is the number and nature of climaxes. A climax is for most men the motivation to engage in sexual relations. Is the delight consider vital, as well as drawn out sex and climaxes will request a solid body. So by having the capacity to have more climaxes and more exceptional climaxes, your body will at last be more advantageous. Men who have encountered long stretches of sex comprehend what a workout it is for their whole body. VigFX scores high around there when contrasted with other male upgrade pills free trial.

Despite the fact that we have taken a gander at particular qualities each male upgrade pill ought to give, the individual needs of each man will change. Some may lean toward a managed erection while others look for general medical advantages. In any case, paying little respect to what a specific man might search for in a male improvement pill, the primary concern estimation is their general increment in sexual fulfillment. This straightforward yet subjective estimation of the viability of a male improvement pill will be the deciding component whether the item was worth attempting in any case. VigFX has a background marked by acquiring men an expansion general fulfillment, and offers a free trial for you to find for yourself regardless of whether it satisfies its cases. You are welcome to exploit their free trial offer. You don't have anything to lose and everything to pick up.
Today you can utilize extraordinary offer from Vig RX - VigFX propelled all-common male virility free trial program, completely FREE...

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Sexual Enhancement trial offer products


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Grow XL can be a mix of effective and potent combination of herbs has been confirmed to boost circulation of blood, enhance mood as well as levels offering you the equipment you must have your greatest performance inside the bedroom. Grow XL increases stimulation to new cells from the blood chamber of your respective penis thus developing a larger, harder erection. Grow XL is produced within the highest standards in the usa therefore you know you’re acquiring a quality supplement.

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Grow XL is really a natural male enhancement supplement which is proved to be good at achieving:

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Friday, April 15, 2016




With just one pill, you can unlock your true sexual potential. Vimax has made it easier than ever for men to master their performance in the bedroom. Whether it's with a special someone or for a first date, one thing is for sure — Vimax will help you blow her mind.

Vimax's revolutionary herbal ingredients give you a boost of energy, incredible sexual pleasure and increased desire. With your newfound sexual performance, you'll glow with self-confidence.


- Get bigger, stronger erections (some users have seen 2-3 inches in growth)
- Last MUCH longer in bed - customers report stamina increase of up to 40 x)
- Get erections on demand, whenever you want them
- Put a permanent end to premature ejaculation - last as long as YOU want to last
- Massively increased stamina and sex drive - you'll be able to give her the goods whenever she's ready for it!s
- AND.. it's 100% natural - no scary drugs or ingredients with freaky side effects

I would recommend Vimax for every man that wants to improve the virility, increase sexual performance, stamina and sex desire, and have more self confidence and self esteem regarding their sexual life. In conclusion, I can say with certainty that Vimax is efficient, safe, and without side effects. Moreover, Vimax is approved by the medical community and many of my physician colleagues recommend it to their patients on a regular base for several years now.

"Helped Me Experience Greater Sexual Pleasure, Intensified Orgasms And Get My Honey To The Peak Of The Sexual Sensations"
My sex life was really becoming a routine. I was pretty OK with getting it hard. I lasted long enough but I couldn't do it that emotionally tense like I used to when I studied in college. Since then my sexual feelings got gradually dull...
Mike Seaward, KY

"Somebody's Always There To Help Me, Be It A Live Chat, An E-mail Service Or A Phone Support"
What I really like in your company is that whenever I face any troubles or have a question somebody\'s always there to help me, be it a live chat, an e-mail service or a phone support. It looks like you do care about your customers, unlike the other companies that can only be reached by sending them...
Dave H, HI



Weeks 1-4
You may experience a notable increase in your energy, stamina and sexual desire (as exhibited during a Vimax Team survey with more than 9,000 participants).
Weeks 4-8
You may show a significant improvement with your sexual performance, along with your (and your partner's) satisfaction (out of our surveyed men, 80% said they noticed these effects).
Weeks 9+
Your body should feel at its sexual peak and you can continue to enjoy the extra energy and satisfaction during intercourse.


As an all-natural supplement, Vimax is developed using only the highest quality herbal ingredients available. Users will experience no negative side effects, regardless of age.

Ready to have your trial vimax... just click here for more info.........................................


DOES NOT CONTAIN THE FOLLOWING: preservatives, yeast wheat gluten, corn, milk/dairy, sodium, sugar, artificial coloring or flavoring.

Thanks to our super concentrated mix of top grade ingredients, you’ll start feeling the effects of Vimax in under 30 minutes.

Vimax doesn't have any known negative side effects; it's a 100% safe natural herb blend. Vimax does not require a prescription.

Your package will arrive as a 100% discreet container, so you can relax. It will look like an average, ordinary package with no discriminating labels.

Your package will be prepared in plain wrapping within 48 hours of ordering. It will be delivered by the United States Postal Service.

Our free trail means you're covered — we will even cover the cost of shipping with a 100% satisfaction guarantee!

Please talk to your doctor to ensure your Vimax experience will not interfere with your prescribed medicine or other medical conditions.

Alcohol consumption is not recommended while using Vimax.

Vimax should be taken once after you wake up with a full glass of water. For best results, also take 1 pill prior to sexual activity.

As with any herbal supplement, Vimax's effects will lessen as time passes. For the best results, take Vimax daily for maximum performance enhancement.

Vimax has been the male enhancement supplement of choice for ten years, because of our reputation for getting results without dangerous drugs or side effects.

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Thursday, April 14, 2016

Power Precision The Best Muscle Gain Supplement - Free Trial

Power Precision The Best Muscle Gain

Get a Power Precision Free Trial | Muscle Building Supplement Free Trial

Power Precision Bodybuilding supplements are dietary supplements commonly used by those involved in bodybuilding and athletics. Bodybuilding supplements may be used to replace meals, enhance weight gain, promote weight loss or improve athletic performance. Among the most widely used are vitamin supplements, protein, branched-chain amino acids (BCAA), glutamine, essential fatty acids, meal replacement products, creatine, weight loss products and testosterone boosters. Supplements are sold either as single ingredient preparations or in the form of "stacks" - proprietary blends of various supplements marketed as offering synergistic advantages. While many bodybuilding supplements are also consumed by the general public their salience and frequency of use may differ when used specifically by bodybuilders.

Did you know you can get a free trial of Power Precision shipped straight to your door? It doesn’t matter if you live in Canada, Australia, United Kingdom, Thailand, or almost any other country.

Power Precision Trial Lean muscle supplements are important in muscle building programs. These products are part of the nutritional program; and as such, should be given attention as the workout program. However, for those who are wary of manufactured products, there is no reason to miss out on the benefits provided by dietary supplement There are plenty of muscle building supplements on the market, you need to do your online homework and look around. Start shopping around for deals. While your local retail store and online vendors will both carry the best muscle building supplements, you can be almost guaranteed the local store will be more expensive. So naturally price shop and find the best deals prior to purchasing. Your local store offers great knowledge, if you use their expertise it would be good to patronize them providing the prices aren't drastically different. Your local stores will likely have some great sales on calorie shakes, protein bars or amino acid supplements. All in all, you will need a consistent weight training program and the best muscle building supplements to effectively build lean muscle mass and achieve your goals.

Click Here For Your Free Muscle Building

Now Power Precision Trial Lean Muscle Formula
 is a patented, proprietary blend of all natural ingredients that have been proven to increase testosterone levels in males naturally and at the same time increase the body’s natural metabolic rate.  What makes Power Precision special is that the formula is engineered for you to burn excess calories but build lean muscle mass at the same time.

In a double blind clinical study, Power Precision built lean muscle mass up to 25% more and up to 30% faster than the competition.  Subjects were able to lose 27% more body fat and 54% faster than the competition.

Re-engineer your body within 30 Days with Power Precision!

Benefits Of Power Precision:
  • Build Lean Muscle Mass
  • Booste Strength Of Your Body
  • Increase Your Load Capacity
  • Maximize Your Energy
  • Increase Your Endurance Capacity
  • Tone and define your muscles
  • Increase Your Sexual Drive and Stamina

Build Muscle Fast!
Power Precision is engineered to boost your testosterone naturally.  Use as a daily supplement to accelerate muscle growth for that hard, lean, sexy body. Lose Fat Quickly
Power Precision is proven to raise natural metabolic rate which accelerates your body’s fat burning capability.  Watch your belly fat and love handles disappear for that naturally ripped body. Increase Energy Levels
For those looking to boost workouts, Power Precision will increase energy levels naturally so that you can run longer, lift heavier and maximize workouts.  Maximize your performance! Increase Sexual Performance
Power Precision is clinically proven to increase libido, sex drive and sexual performance in men of all ages.  Our proprietary blend will make you harder and stay hard longer.  Unleash your animal magnetism!

>> Click Here Visit Power Precision Trial Site <<

Testimonial :

I usually don't do this but I had to write in and tell you about my experience with Power Precision.  My goal was to cut up a bit and do whatever I could before I headed for vacation and I only had a month.  Well gues what, I started seeing results within 2 weeks and by week 3 the difference was crazy.  I've never been this cut before. Usually, when I lose weight I lose muscle as well, but with this product I gained muscle mass AND cut down at the same time.  Really happy with the results guys, and I'll keep using it.  Great work! - John Granger, London, England